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Environment Configuration

OpenGenomeBrowser relies on Docker environment variables for configuration, enabling flexible setup across different environments. Use the configuration provided in the Docker template to get started, and customize these settings as needed with docker compose -f <var.env> up.

OpenGenomeBrowser Settings

Variable Description Default Value Required
PROTEIN_FASTA_ENDINGS Sets the file extension expected for protein FASTA files. faa No
DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_TYPE Defines the annotation type used as the default for the application. OL No
ORTHOFINDER_ENABLED Enables OrthoFinder for ortholog analysis. false No
CLUSTALO_ENABLED Enables Clustal Omega for sequence alignment. false No
IQTREE_ENABLED Enables IQ-TREE for phylogenetic inference. false No
RAXML_ENABLED Enables RAxML-ng for phylogenetic analysis. false No
LOGIN_MESSAGE Customizable login message, e.g., "Welcome to the OpenGenomeBrowser demo server!". None No
DEFAULT_GENOMES_TABLE_URL Defines filter parameters for the genomes table. None No

System Settings

Variable Description Default Value Required
USER_ID Numeric ID for the user running the application. None Yes
GROUP_ID Numeric ID for the user’s group. None Yes
DEBUG Toggles Django’s debug mode. false Yes
LOG_LEVEL Configures logging verbosity. INFO No
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Secret key for Django’s cryptographic signing. None Yes
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS Comma-separated list of hostnames or IPs allowed to access the app. None Yes
LOGIN_REQUIRED Enforces login for accessing the application when set to true. false No
UWSGI_WORKERS Specifies the number of uWSGI workers for handling requests. 5 No
HUEY_WORKERS Sets the number of workers for the Huey task queue. None No
HARAKIRI Specifies uWSGI’s request timeout in seconds. None No

Cache Settings

Variable Description Default Value Required
CACHE_DIR Directory path for storing cached data. /tmp/ogb-cache No
CACHE_MAXSIZE Maximum cache size in MB. 20 No

PostgreSQL Database Settings

Variable Description Default Value Required
DB_HOST Database hostname. db Yes
DB_PORT Database port. 5432 Yes
DB_NAME Name of the PostgreSQL database. None Yes
DB_USER Username for the database. None Yes
DB_PASSWORD Password for database authentication. None Yes

Email Settings

Variable Description Default Value Required
EMAIL_HOST SMTP server used for sending email notifications. None No
EMAIL_HOST_USER Username for SMTP authentication. None No
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Default sender email address for outgoing messages. None No
EMAIL_PORT SMTP server port. None No

This format separates the settings into their respective sections with tables for better readability and organization.

This configuration allows you to quickly tune environment-specific settings for development, testing, and production, with optional variables for additional functionality. Ensure all required fields are populated, especially in production environments.